Www.pictures Of Viginas What Breed Of Cat Do You Find The Most Beautiful?

What breed of cat do you find the most beautiful? - www.pictures of viginas

I personally think that the Norwegian Forest cat.
http://www.pictures-of-cats.org/images/h ...
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co ...

And you? Please send pictures.


Café Mocha Valencia said...

Man, I see in different rooms, so it is difficult to decide.

I think I prefer a certain dress is what I find beautiful. Torti, spotted with white. I love the different combinations of red, black, cinnamon, chocolate and white. Crazy spots and patterns. Some blacks are more likely to happen with red spots. Or the less common "reverse-turtle" with a red jacket with black spots. These cats remind me of a canvas splattered with paint. Or a pile of autumn leaves. It is especially gratifying in a Persian or Exotic http://www.rosjoy.com/tortie% 20joyce.jpg This is a time drooling over a show like http://pets.webshots.com/ photo/262874776 .. CA. and incredibly cute longhair Selkirk Rex in the same program http://pets.webshots.com/photo/231856034 ...

My Mocha is an example of the randomness of a spotted coat. I particularly like his http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzsIt0a4u back ... and as such has two different profiles in search - http://www.ferretocious.com/mocha/mocha0 http://www ... . ferretocious.com / Moka / mocha0 ...

I also like the classic tabby shorthair cats - including the American shorthair silver tabby classic. TICA Best Puppy in the world was in my area last season, so you go for yourself - just beautiful ... http://www.kelloggscattery.com/images/01 You do not know about if you've already seen one of these cats, but if we start from the top down in the configuration of a butterfly is looking at the shoulder - it is easy beautiful!

bengalhe... said...

Bengal cats. began with a true story. What started as a cat-leopard of Asia has been exceeded with a prisoner. IT Lunar and marble. The art of living fluids. They are not only beautiful, but her personality is like a dog. Faithful to a fault, have rehoming a difficult time. It is better to have a stable home for her. It is very beautiful and very sweet. Unlike ordinary cat fur, they have baby skin ........ SOFT a combination of heat, velvet and silk, in a life, the dull roar! With the Asian leopard cat in its line, has a high resistance to feline leukemia. His ancestors had once studied to find therapies for human leukaemias. This is a beautiful animal with a true story, once in an effort to alleviate human leukemia dipped. This study demonstrated the absence of a cure, but what a great idea to match her beauty!

Tell me how to send a picture, and I will not welcome here, pictures on my website. New pictures of my home, no product!

Well, I tried to "help" and can still understand it asUpload a photo! So ...... Help! LOL thank you in advance.

Erik said...

Calico, in any case


Jacqui said...

Russian Blue (mine died on Christmas Eve last year)

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